September 30, 2013

Kid's Science Challenge

Game 1: 
It is called the Zero Waste Game. It taught me about how much waste we have used and how we should reduce that number. It kind of did, although it was pretty tricky to get the right answer since most have to try and guess what it would be. Yes, I guess it was since we had to fix the city in the end, so it wasn't all that bad.

Game 2:
The next game I played was Junk Band Game. It taught me about different sounds and all you had to do was play music in the game. I guess it taught me about how sound travels to our ear so, basically about our hearing sense. This game sort of taught me something I knew, but at least the game was pretty entertaining. It even let you play songs on it.

Game 3:
Finally, the last game I played was Magical Microbes. This game taught me about how microbes play a huge part in our lives. The lesson it taught was what these microbes needed to prosper on. This game did do a good job of telling me what microbes were and what they did and also what they need to keep on living. This game was pretty entertaining and was really fun to play. 

September 27, 2013

Recycling stuff

1. In the video you saw how different materials are recycled?
  Well in the video, they basically recycle and they are turned back into the same things or can be used for other things. Like, glass. When it is recycled, it can be turned into a different form and also into glass. It's basically turning it into what it is.

2.Explain how some of these materials are recycled.
  People can recycle paper and it will be turned into paper again. Glass, like i mentioned previously, can be recycled and turned into glass. Plastic is recycled by chopping it into smaller pieces and turned into toys and such other things. And tin can be recycled by molding it into a tin can or whatever it was, or can be used in planes and boats. 

3. What are some simple ways to recycle?
  Simple ways to recycle is to have a recycling bin nearby to recycle things that are of no use, as long as they are made out of paper, plastic, glass, tin and aluminum. Another way could be to use reusable batteries and use reusable containers. And try not to throw so much away.

4. Write down some ideas for creating a cleaner environment at EA Prep.
  A way we could recycle in our school could be to have a recycling bin in each class, so we won't have to waste so much paper. And it'd be great if we could use lesser energy, by maybe having a class outside and not wasting energy in a classroom.

September 26, 2013

Tech Trash

              1. What is Tech Trash?
    Tech Trash is electronics, such as TV's, computers and old technology that are not being used since they are broken and discarded.

2.How does this trash have an effect on our environment?
    This trash can have a huge effect on the environment if it is not disposed of properly. These old CRT's, known as Cathode Ray Tubes, which have plenty of lead in them and if not disposed of correctly, this can harm groundwater and rivers that are nearby. That is why they have an effect in the environment.

3.What does the article explain about people looking for solutions to tech trash?
    There are solutions to help out with Tech Trash. If your computer is working but is an older version of a computer, you can donate that to charity or give it to someone, but as long as it is functioning. Even schools can help out.

4. What can you do to help keep Trash Tech from polluting our community?
    I could help out by probably giving away old electronics that still work to someone else if I don't want it. Or I can just recycle them if they don't work at all. And not to trash the Tech at all.